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health and wellbeing is a key concern for many of us today. with advancing understanding of how our complex systems work, science is questioning and relearning many aspects of how our mind can affect our physical health. At neurolimbic, we aim to harness the power of the brain to heal the body. our science based programs are designed to help you retrain your brain to overcome chronic conditions such as chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, and more.
Our team of experts combine the latest in neuroscience research with personalized, practical solutions to help you regain your health and wellbeing.
our genetics, ultimately, remember what it feels like to be connected to nature. we are bathed in the information of natural universe while being cutoff by urbanisation refusing to allow our awareness of that = our bodies still remember and crave their place in the natural world. with neurolimbic we can revive our ancestral genetic memories, finding ways to become the solution and not the problem.
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psycho neuro immunology
psycho neuro immunology is a growing discipline which looks at the connection between our psychology and its impacts on our physical health immunity. neurolimbic techniques can be applied for enhanced immune function which can override genetic predisposition and maintain our health.
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the word epigenetics simply refers to that which is beyond genetics. as we now realise today, genetics isn't everything, while our genes may predispose us to certain ailments or diseases, we also have the ability to prevent, control and even heal with the mind. learn more about how you can develop your ability to improve your general health.
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while documented cases exist that display how spontaneous remissions, symptomatic pain relief and fighting infections can happen, the connection with how our minds influence these is still being understood. with neurolimbic you can use tested methods to use your mental influence for physical results in your own body.
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the placebo effect
while the exact workings of the placebo effect remains a mystery, studies in hypnosis show that this phenomenon is almost universal, and we can all learn to develop our ability to heal the body using the power of the mind.
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healing emotional trauma
emotion is chemistry in your brain and body. whether you're in love, excited, or afraid, your body is buzzing with chemistry that prepares you for action. in love? You might feel an irresistible urge to hold or touch the person. feeling scared? Your body gears up with a chemical cocktail that prompts you to flee from fear. emotions, essentially, are chemistry evolved to boost your odds of success, survival, reproduction, and energy conservation.
but what if you fall in love with "the wrong person" or fear something harmless? this often stems from our minds misreading the situation, triggering an unhelpful chemical response. it's usually because something current reminds us of a past event, leading our minds to predict a similar outcome, thus adjusting our body chemistry to match that past memory. however, memories aren't fixed; they're highly malleable. so malleable, in fact, that with neurolimbic you can effectively reframe them to better serve your present needs better.
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