neurolimbic 1.0
optimise your day to day well being -learn to consciously regulate your brain frequency levels using our specially developed exercises - whether for stress relief, relaxation or for targeting anxiety or depressive disorders.

the fastest and most effective way to destress - lower your stress quickly - in the moment - is a physiological sigh brings the stress level immediately - its a double inhale through the nose followed by a long slow exhale through the mouth - this is a simple breathwork exercise, that can lower stress, improve your mood, and restore a feeling of calm. to perform the physiological sigh, take a deep inhale followed by a short second inhalation, and then an extended exhalation. repeat one or two more times. if you’ve noticed your stress levels are rising, try to practice this breathing technique and watch how your body responds. with neurolimbic we incorporate the olfalimbic protocols for even more powerful effects.

neurolimbic 1.1
the foremost benefits of brain entrainment lies in the immediate relief of stress which carries long term health implications

neurolimbic 1.2
ease anxiety
develop controls for anxiety based responses using programming techniques based on anchoring systems

neurolimbic 1.3
lift depression
regulating brain frequency has positive effects on maintaining hormonal balance, optimal brain chemical function and overall mood. learn and apply programming techniques to enhance your mental health and wellbeing

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